Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

At St Michael's, we understand that challenging socio-economic circumstances can create additional barriers for children to succeed.

4% of our pupils at St Michael’s attract pupil premium through Free School Meals and 70% through the Service Premium. We use this money to support these pupils through by using evidence-based approaches as our starting points and carefully adapt them to our school context. As we have so few pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium for Free School Meals, trends and patterns of barriers are hard to define, so the support is personalised to each individual.

Please see the below documents for more information on:

  • How much money St Michael's has received via the Pupil Premium Grant
  • How St Michael's has spent their Pupil Premium Grant
  • How St Michael's plans to spend their future Pupil Premium Grant


Pupil Premuim Date  
Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium 27th Feb 2024 Download