Able and Talented

Our school values all children equally and endeavours to ensure that each child should have the opportunity to realise his/her potential in a challenging and supportive environment.

St Michael’s will have, at any time, talented or gifted pupils, some of whom may be exceptionally able and this may be in one or more areas of learning. Our definition of ability recognises academic and practical performance as well as those who show outstanding artistic, musical and creative talent, physical skills, leadership qualities and the ability to process ideas and information.

We plan for these children within the classroom lessons and have focussed gifted and talented days in school, we deliver to parents the information needed to enrol their children on external courses and we work closely with our cluster schools to provide collective experiences for all our gifted and talented students. We believe that we can make a difference in enabling these pupils to achieve the greatest possible progress and recognise the value and importance of identifying and celebrating their achievements and successes.